
Please take a moment to check out our awesome partners!


Vicki Horton Photography

Hi, my name is Vicki and this is my sweet little Chloe. She is a mini Goldendoodle with enough energy to wear anybody out just by watching her zoom around! She is also my main practice model for photography and has gotten quite good at posing for a quick photoshoot when the right treats are involved.

I honestly couldn’t imagine a life without pets, so merging my love of photography and animals just seemed to make perfect sense! Feel free to take a look at my photo gallery and contact me with any questions or to set up a photo session with your furry friend to create memories that will last a lifetime!

Nick’s Dog Treats

Hi, my name is Nicholas, and I am a senior at Memorial High School in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

I live with a condition known as cerebral palsy, and although I have to use a wheelchair instead of my legs to get me places, I am no different from anyone else. My disability has taught me how to appreciate life even in the most difficult of times, and I am fortunate that it has not taken away my ability to smile and live life to the fullest.

Through my love of baking and my dog Hemi, my mom and I decided to start a business selling dog treats to other local pups and their owners. This has created so much joy and purpose in my life that I want to give others like me, the ability to live a purposeful and happy life too!

The vision of my business is to eventually develop the means to open up a shop that will help other kids with special needs become employed after high school, because I believe we all deserve a chance to feel that we are valued in this world. Please help to support us in our vision by purchasing treats for your special fur baby today!

I appreciate your business,

Nick Napolitano

Nick’s Dog Treats & Coffee Brew

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